Breeding Weimaraners For
Purpose, Health, & Temperament
EXPERIENCE: 30 years of experience specifically breeding Weimaraner’s. As a preservation breeder, I take great pride in extensively researching the genetic background of each of our dogs. I will gladly share my knowledge of the breed and welcome an open conversations on how to best preserve the breed that we love. I have chosen to make breeding Weimaraner’s my full time love. By doing so this allows me to put in the time need to research blood lines, tend to the care of the dams prior, during, and post delivery and ensuring our dogs are well cared for. The first 7 weeks of a puppies life are critical to shaping well adapted Weimaraners. With this in mind our puppies are whelped in our home to ensure that they begin the socialization process early on. This also allows me to observe their tempermants.
HEALTH - At PM Weims, health is at the core of our breeding program. Prior to breeding, our stud dogs and bitches are health tested either PennHip or OFA hips/elbows, eyes and cardiac, and thyroid. In addition, they proudly hold OFA CERF eye certifications and undergo DNA testing through UC Davis for HUU, HPYM, and SD to ensure the overall health of our Weimaraner puppies.
PROVEN ABILITY - At PM Weimaraners we strive to produce a Versatile dogs and have consistently proven their abilities across multiple disciplines, participating and excelling in hunt tests, field trials, conformation events, agility competitions, and of course, serving as beloved family pets. Our dogs possess wonderful temperaments and have the innate aptitude to learn just about anything you train them to do. With a focus on hunting dogs, our program has produced multiple dogs that have titled in NAVHDA (North American Versatile Hunting Dog) testing over the years as well as field trial and AKC show champions. To see a listing of the success we have had check out the NAVHDA breeder report.
What makes our program different?
Breeder of Merit
Open to all purebred dog breeders, “the AKC Breeder of Merit Program honors breeders who go above and beyond on health issues, temperament, and genetic screening, as well as to the individual care and placement of puppies in responsible homes.”
Breeder Award
NAVHDA’s Breeder Awards were “created in an effort to foster and reward selective breeding. In addition to recognizing progeny that attain consistent test scores, NAVHDA strongly promotes DNA testing of all dogs along with hip certification, which is incorporated into the advanced Breeder Award levels. The stringent criteria for the various awards and the list of Breeder Award recipients provide prospective puppy buyers in-depth insights when identifying reputable breeders.”
Club of America
The purpose of the Weimaraner Club of America is “to bring together the owners and breeders of pure–bred Weimaraners in a concerted effort to preserve the desirable traits in the Weimaraner; to develop the standards set forth and further the interest in the breed through activities such as field trials, hunt tests, water tests, rating tests, and futurities, as well as encouraging the entering of our dogs in conformation classes in bench, obedience, agility and tracking events”.